Careless words stab like a sword, but the words of wise people bring healing.

Proverbs 12:18

You don’t have to have a knife in order to stab someone. Words can do the same amount of damage internally. When you talk without thinking of God first, your carelessness makes you a fool. The wise person chooses words that heal, words that are consistent with the God she believes in. When you say whatever you are feeling, you get careless because feelings major in self and not others. But God says you are to care less about yourself than others, and that’s the source of all wisdom. Humility—the thought that life isn’t all about you—brings wisdom and kills pride. It makes the effort to consider the heart, mind, and even soul of others, and so it chooses its words wisely.

If you want to stop your foolish talk, then don’t talk. Silence isn’t usually offensive, except when someone is expecting you to speak. But keeping your mouth shut when your deepest desire is to speak your mind is wisdom. It might be hard to talk less, and if it is, then think about not speaking at all. Take one day of speechlessness to teach yourself self-control. Don’t let your tongue control you any more, but show it who’s the boss and teach it to come under the authority of your God.