Pride precedes a disaster,
and an arrogant attitude precedes a fall.
Better to be humble with lowly people
than to share stolen goods with arrogant people.

Proverbs 16:18–19

Humility is the foundation of all godliness. It is the beginning of all righteousness, and so it’s crucial to the God Girl. But what about when you are humiliated by a bad or prideful person? When you’re faced with the sin of someone else’s pride, your first instinct isn’t holiness. The natural human reaction is retaliation or revenge. In fact, other people’s sin can become an excuse for your sin if you’re not careful. “But she started it!” or “How dare he!” you say, and game on! When they sin, your sense of fairness kicks in, and the last thing on your mind is meekness and obedience, and that’s how things get started—fights, arguments, bitterness. Troubled relationships start with a lack of humility, which keeps us from finding peace when others are sinning. It’s as if your mind decides that it’s not fair that you have to be good when they’re being so bad. But that’s human thinking, not godly thinking. If God’s law depended on the actions of others, then even the pagans would be considered obedient (check out Matt. 5:46–48). But God’s law depends not on what they do but on who he is.

In any relationship it’s crucial for you, as a God Girl, to know what God commands instead of relying on what other people do. In every battle you have to choose what God wants you to choose, even if the result will be your humiliation. It seems counterintuitive, but mean people are changed not by your retaliation but by your prayer. So go to God in prayer instead of going to them in anger. Trust that his law is good even if it seems unfair. And you will find yourself with more peace than you know what to do with.