Sensible people foresee trouble and hide from it, but gullible people go ahead and suffer the consequence.
Proverbs 22:3
Red flags are red for a reason: they warn about danger. When you see or even sense a red flag in your path, stop everything. It’s not wise to see trouble coming and keep on going anyway. As a God Girl you’re supposed to be loving, kind, generous, and thoughtful but not gullible or easily taken advantage of. It’s biblical to turn the other cheek to people who persecute you and hate you, but it’s foolishness to see trouble coming and to keep on heading in the same direction, as if a red flag means “go” instead of “stop and turn the other way.”
The God Girl is as cunning as a snake and as innocent as a dove (see Matt. 10:16) because she doesn’t let herself be easily deceived, but she is innocent of the guilt of disobedience. Jesus didn’t want his disciples to look for opportunities to be persecuted and martyred (see Matt. 10:17), but he didn’t want them to fear persecution once it came either. It’s always best to avoid attack when you have warning. But once it hits, don’t freak out, but stand and know that God’s way is the best way.