Whoever trusts his own heart is a fool.
Whoever walks in wisdom will survive.
Proverbs 28:26
You can’t judge God’s nearness or distance by how you feel. If you feel like God is far away, know that your feelings have nothing to do with where he is. If you feel like you have fallen from grace, know that your feelings are not what decide your state of grace. Your feelings have little or no impact on truth. The truth is a constant, it doesn’t change—but your feelings do, so how could they be a good indicator of truth?
Don’t let your feelings determine your happiness. They’re not even a good indicator of that! You can be miserable or happy in the same situation depending on how you choose to think about the situation. Don’t let your feelings define your position in life or your thoughts about God because your feelings aren’t always set on the truth of God’s Word. Wisdom isn’t the child of emotions. But healthy emotions have their birth in wisdom. The more of God’s truth you allow into your mind and heart, the stronger you will become emotionally. The secret of contentment in life is knowing who God is and what he wants. Faith in who he is will serve you much more than faith in your own feelings.