Speak out for the one who cannot speak,
for the rights of those who are doomed.
Speak out,
judge fairly,
and defend the rights of oppressed and needy people.

Proverbs 31:8–9

While on earth, Jesus never stood up for himself, only for his Father. A lot of times he slipped away from a violent crowd and kept silent when being taunted, but he never stood up for his rights or argued to save himself. And you are called to do the same kind of thing: to stand up for the Father and for his children but not to worry about yourself (see Matt. 6:34; Phil. 4:6–7). When people hate you, you are supposed to turn the other cheek (see Matt. 5:38–42), but when you see someone who is being treated badly, you have to stand up for them. As a God Girl you can’t sit quietly by while other people suffer. You have to say something or do something to change what’s happening.

The world is full of oppressed and needy people who need the children of God to stand up for them and to take on their case. You might feel powerless and not know where to start, but all you have to do is to look around you. Whatever helplessness you can find, judge fairly: “Is this something that needs to be fixed?” and “Can I do something to help?” If the answer to both of those is yes, then it’s time to take action. And when persecution comes to your life, pray that God would send someone to rescue you and to speak for you, and you will be cared for by the very hand of God (see Luke 21:36; Heb. 13:6).