I have seen everything that is done under the sun. Look at it! It’s all pointless. It’s like trying to catch the wind.

Ecclesiastes 1:14

Do you wanna be rich and famous? How do you think that would change your life? Would it make you happier, more at ease, more hopeful? The truth is that a lot of us look for our reason, our significance, in the hope of fame. It’s easy to believe that it would be heaven on earth, or at least a ton better than your ordinary life. But if you think being famous would be the bomb, then read Ecclesiastes.

Solomon was the richest and most famous guy on earth. He was the king. He could buy or build, take or own anything he wanted. And since he had it all, he used his dough and fame to try to buy happiness. He owned everything he wanted to own and had the luxury to spend a ton of time just looking for fun things to do on this earth, or “under the sun,” as he put it. He did find temporary pleasure, but he realized in his old age that it was all pointless—that none of it really mattered. All his parties and purchases, all his popularity and his ability to get other people to do whatever he wanted them to do was a total zero when he looked back on it all. In the end he figured out that nothing under that big ol’ yellow sun would make him happy and content the way God could.

It’s easy, even as a God Girl (or in Solomon’s case, a God Guy), to make pleasure your number one goal, but as Solomon found out, it doesn’t really satisfy you. Life is about more than your happiness or even your comfort. The most important things in life are spiritual, not physical. When you find this out, you’ll find everything you’ve ever needed.