Who can eat or enjoy themselves without God?
Ecclesiastes 2:25
True happiness, or joy, as the Bible calls it, isn’t dependent on what happens to you or around you. If it were it’d be just manufactured happiness, a fake imitation of the real thing. True happiness is something that comes right from God. When you concentrate and rely on his Spirit’s presence in your life, you will get more happiness than you ever knew was possible.
It’s easy to find happiness in things and people and even easier to lose all hope of happiness when those things and people disappoint you or fail you. But the girl who doesn’t rely on the stuff or situations around her to find joy is the girl who has found all she needs. Like Paul, you can find the secret of being content, or happy, in all situations if you’re just willing to draw your happiness from the well of living water instead of from the imitation of life here on earth (see Phil. 4:10–14). When trials come, when boredom sets in, happiness can still be yours when you take into account the Word of God and its truth in your life. A girl who never lets God’s Word be too far from her mind and refuses to let one day go by without looking for him is a girl who knows the secret to true happiness. God promises true happiness to anyone who is willing to make him Lord of their life and then to continually focus their mind and heart on him daily.