Look at you! You are beautiful, my true love!
Look at you! You are so beautiful!
Song of Songs 1:15
True love can’t hold itself back. When you’re in love, your heart wants to tell the world, because it feels like if you don’t it’s just gonna burst. Love notes, love songs, and love poetry all come from a heart filled to overflowing with adoration and passion. But after a while it can be easy to forget to tell the people you love what you love about them. Life gets in the way, times get tough, tempers flare, and suddenly you aren’t speaking all lovey to each other anymore. But love needs to be talked about; it needs to be given in the form of verbal appreciation and adoration. We have to tell the people we love why we love them, and tell them often. Song of Songs is an example of this, and we need to do the same thing when it comes to our love for God.
In the life of faith, the God Girl wants to tell her God how much she adores him. She wants to tell him how much he means to her, not only to worship him but to remind her own heart of all that he is. If she doesn’t do this, she can quickly forget all about his goodness and holiness. As a God Girl you have to concentrate on the goodness of God. You have to remind yourself how you’ve been touched by his kindness, his provision, and his power and tell him every day what his presence in your life means. The God Girl knows that the power of love rests in her ability to speak words of love.
God’s love for you is expressed in his Word and in the life of his Son, the Word made flesh. Don’t miss his love songs, love letters, and love gifts. Know love and know him. Speak love and be known by him.