The Lord is not too weak to save
or his ear too deaf to hear.
But your wrongs have separated you from your God,
and your sins have made him hide his face
so that he doesn’t hear you.
Isaiah 59:1–2
Do you have a sin in your life that you just can’t walk away from? If your answer is yes, then don’t be surprised that God isn’t answering your prayers. Don’t be surprised that you have drama in your life. When sin becomes so important to you that you won’t give it up even though you’ve spotted it, then you’ve let that sin become more important than God.
God doesn’t answer the prayers of people who are unrepentant, choosing to hang on to a sin or two instead of getting rid of them all. You have to be careful not to say, “I’ve tried to stop it, but it’s just too hard.” That’s like saying, “I know sin is bad, but it’s worse to walk away from it than to keep it.” That’s calling God a liar and arguing the case that you and your sin are totally unique and so cannot possibly be separated.
Look for those areas where you struggle and see if you aren’t refusing to drop the hand of sin and reach for the hand of God. A lot of people say that it’s too difficult to stop a particular sinful habit, but as a follower of Christ you can’t use that excuse. According to him sin is no longer your master, but he is. So when you disagree you are saying he is wrong and giving the sin in your life the role of master. Remember, you can’t serve two masters. So choose today who you’re gonna serve.