Are you looking for great things for yourself?

Jeremiah 45:5

I s your main goal happiness or holiness? God’s goal is one of them, even at the expense of the other. Can you guess which one? If you’re asking God for things and not getting them, then you might not be asking in line with God’s will. Things are not what God wants for you; holiness is. And a lot of times that comes when you don’t get what you want. Your lack has the ability to draw you closer to God and make you rely on him as your everything.

God’s Word promises to give you what you ask when you ask for what he wants. Ask yourself what you want from God and why. Is it something that would make you more holy or more happy? If you’re more concerned with happiness, then you might want to rethink your wish list. Think about what you’re asking God for and how you could start to want more of what he wants for your life. God’s goal is always to strengthen your relationship with him, not to increase your comfort, popularity, success, or happiness. He wants to give you great things—far greater than you think—but it all has to do with your holiness and relationship with him.

So look at his Word and see what he wants for his kids. Think about his gifts, his life, his love. Think about what you want and what that says about you. Do you concentrate on the things of heaven? Are you content with the things God has given you, or do you need more? Can you find hope in your situation knowing that God answers prayers not according to your will but according to his divine and perfect will? Practice trusting that because God is truly good, he will always give you what is the very best for you right now.