He said to me, “Go in, and see the wicked, disgusting things that the people of Israel are doing here.” So I went in and looked. I saw that the walls were covered with drawings of . . . all the idols in the nation of Israel.
Ezekiel 8:9–10
G od hates idols. He calls them wicked and disgusting. An idol is anything that leads you to obsession and anything that you look to for answers, for hope, for peace, for comfort, or for anything else God wants to provide for you. We all have ’em; we just don’t know it. That’s because they’ve become such a part of us. A lot of times they control us so much that we can’t even distinguish them from our own personalities. They control what we think and what we do. They say things like “You deserve more than that,” “You’ve got to get what you want,” and “Life isn’t fair.” They make big demands on our hearts and our lives, wanting us to serve them at all costs.
You might not recognize the voices of your idols, but chances are they are there, deep inside you. In order to love and serve God, you have to refuse to serve your idols. You can’t have two gods; it doesn’t work that way. In order to spot your idols just ask yourself what you think about the most, what you can’t live without, and where you lack self-control. As you explore these areas of yourself, you will more than likely find places where something other than God controls you, and there you’ve found your idols.
Don’t become enemies with God by following idols. Dare to break free today. Reject, renounce, and refuse your idols. It’s the only way to serve God, and it will be the answer to your bondage. Nothing can control the God Girl who has her mind set on pleasing God and God alone.