I appointed an angel to guard you.
Ezekiel 28:14
I t is easy to look around and think that you are all alone, but don’t be so sure. There just might be angels watching you right now. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re less real. Contrary to what some people might say, they aren’t the ghosts of people who have died and now serve as messengers of God. They are angelic beings created to do God’s work, and part of that work is watching over his people (see Ps. 34:7). There is more to your life than meets the eye. God promises to guard those who fear him with an invisible protection. Even though sometimes your life might look like a lonely disaster, as a God Girl you’ve got to remember that you are never alone—you have the Spirit of God inside you and his angels beside you.
Loneliness is a lie that pulls you inside of yourself to find emptiness and despair. When you look at your loneliness and resent it, or when you think you are too bad to be loved, you sin by calling God a liar. His promises are too many to list here, but his Word is clear that we are not alone. Millions like you walk this earth and share the same struggles every day, and millions more watch you from heaven (see 1 Cor. 10:13; Gal. 6:2; Heb. 12:1).
When you start to feel bad about your life, stop and look for things in your life that prove God is there. And if you can’t find evidence in your life, then look to the lives of the millions of believers all over the world. Look beyond the physical world and trust the truth of Scripture when it points you to the invisible world that is all around you.