If our God, whom we honor, can save us from a blazing furnace and from your power, he will, Your Majesty. But if he doesn’t, you should know, Your Majesty, we’ll never honor your gods or worship the gold statue that you set up.

Daniel 3:17–18

When God shows you something, you can’t let your common sense talk you out of it. Common sense is natural and faith is spiritual. When God’s way totally contradicts your common sense, who are you gonna trust? For Daniel, it would have made more sense to join the crowd, but his faith said different. If your common sense can’t make sense of your faith, which wins out? It’s easy in those great mountaintop moments to say, “I trust him and I’ll do whatever he says,” but what happens when you come down into the valley where it’s all cold, dark, and damp and everything you see argues against what you learned on the mountain?

When God shows something to you, it won’t stay just an idea for long. Soon your vision is gonna be tested, and to prove its truth you’ll have to do what you know is right even when everything in you screams, “This doesn’t make sense!” If you can hold on to what you heard God tell you and stay connected to him and his Word, your faith will quickly become a part of your very soul. It won’t be just a good idea but will be your way of life.

Is your faith being tested? Then think about the idea that this test will either prove God right or steal your faith. Jesus said, “Whoever doesn’t lose his faith in me is indeed blessed” (Matt. 11:6). You have to trust God’s faithfulness no matter what test you come up against. The tests aren’t going to stop; they have to come in order to make your faith real. So keep fighting for the truth. Don’t let your common sense or anybody else’s sway you. Faith is a total trust in God that refuses to believe for a second that he will fail.