I will go back to my place until they admit that they are guilty.

Hosea 5:15

Confession is a requirement for forgiveness because it cleanses your soul. It’s the same as with your body: if you don’t clean your wounds, you will never heal. When you get a big, bloody cut, the first step is to stop the bleeding with some kind of bandage, but what then? Do you just wrap it up and go on with your life, or do you hop in the car, drive to the hospital, and go through the pain of letting them take off the bandage and clean the wound? Even though it doesn’t sound like much fun, you’ve got to open it up. If you don’t clean your wound, every little speck of dirt that might have gotten into your body through the gash can lead to infection. The small, invisible attackers of bacteria can easily go unnoticed and be ignored, but eventually they will flare up and attack not only the area of the wound but your entire body. And it’s the same with your soul: it has to be cleaned and protected from small sins that can work their way into your bloodstream. Confession is the antibacterial cleanser for the job. “If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we’ve done wrong” (1 John 1:9).

So what about your unconfessed sins, those small bacteria that infect and cause trouble? A girl who covers over her sin is bound for a life of chaos and pain. God promises that he won’t give those who do that much success (see Deut. 28:15–68), and in fact he also says he will ignore their prayers (see Prov. 28:9). As a God Girl you have to confess daily. Every day look over your life and agree with God that sin is sin. As soon as you confess, it’s forgiven and you are all cleaned up, saved from infection. So admit your guilt and God will be your protection and guide. Then when you search for him, you will find him.