Do two people ever walk together without meeting first?
Amos 3:3
Amos 3:3 explains that when two people are friends, it’s because they believe the same things; they have something in common. Two people don’t walk together unless they’ve met, talked, and agreed they both want to go the same direction. But what happens when one of the two leaves the path of faith and refuses to walk in godliness? At this point one goes in one direction, toward godliness, while the other goes in another direction, toward sin. Then the friendship is in trouble.
When this happens it can be easy to deviate from what you know is right just because you want to make your friend happy and keep walking together. But you have to remember that your ultimate goal is God and not the whims of a friend. The God Girl has to stay on the path of righteousness as she loves her friend, even if that means loving that friend only from a distance. She must refuse to change her path because her ultimate goal is to make God happy, even at the expense of friendship.
When you make a decision about what kind of friend you’re going to be, decide to be one who doesn’t just act on feelings but lives by the facts of God’s Word. Know that when you walk with someone and call them friend, you show your agreement with them. If your friend isn’t living a godly life, then you might be on the wrong path too. You can’t be friends for long and not end up on the same path. Take a look at all your friendships from God’s perspective, and then fearlessly love them or leave them according to God’s call on your life.