The Lord is patient and has great strength.
The Lord will never let the guilty go unpunished.

Nahum 1:3

Life isn’t fair. Seems like it oughta be, but it isn’t. Sometimes bad people are luckier than good people. They torture and even kill people, and life seems to go their way. They seem to have success in everything they do, even though they do it with an evil heart. But as a God Girl you can be sure of one thing: God doesn’t let evil go unpunished. He doesn’t look away and just allow bad people to win. Sure, it may look like it right now, but in the end everyone will have to pay for the evil that they do.

In the days of the prophet Nahum, the city of Nineveh was the greatest and most powerful city in the land. It was the capital of Assyria, and they ruled a lot of the world. The people who lived there were known for being bloodthirsty even to the point of burning children and cutting off the hands of their enemies. They had overthrown Israel and turned Judah into a vassal state. Now the same Nineveh that Jonah had reluctantly warned to repent was being given another opportunity to do the same thing, but this time Nineveh would refuse to change, and in the end it would be completely destroyed, never to be rebuilt again.

In the New Testament Jesus teaches us that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us, and at times this can seem like sheer insanity. But you have to remember that although you aren’t allowed to get revenge, God is a God of justice, so he’s not gonna let evil be rewarded for long. When bad people win at your expense, don’t complain; just thank God for the amazing gift of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness he offers for your sins.