I will bring this third of the people through the fire.
I will refine them as silver is refined.
I will test them as gold is tested.
They will call on me, and I will answer them.
I will say, “They are my people.”
They will reply, “The Lord is our God.”

Zechariah 13:9

The grass is always greener in the neighbor’s yard. Why does it seem like you have a “blah” or even miserable life and everyone else’s is so great? Life isn’t always fair, at least not to the human eye. But remember, in order for gold to be purified and refined, it has to be heated to extreme temperatures. All the dross, or bad stuff, is then lifted to the top so that it can be skimmed off as the heat rises. It’s next to impossible to find your own dross when life is good. But when troubles hit and the heat goes up, then your dirty parts are easier to see. And that’s when you can start to scrape off all that junk once and for all. As you are refined by the trials of life, you start to turn to the one who can save you, the one you need more than anything or anyone else, and your life is cleansed and made new.

So don’t fear the fire. Don’t worry when life goes wrong, but look to Jesus and see what he wants removed. When your focus is on improvement and purification instead of worldly questions and worries, your ability to rise above and even overcome adversity grows. No trial is a waste of time when your focus is on pleasing God instead of yourself. When you see suffering as God’s tool for your sanctification, it suddenly doesn’t control you or scare you. The goal of the God Girl is humility, thankfulness, and praise, and when you practice those things in your life, the power your trials used to have is gone.