Blessed are you when people insult you,
persecute you,
lie, and say all kinds of evil things about you because of me.
Matthew 5:11
No one can insult you. Sure, they might try to, but no one can insult you or hurt you emotionally unless you let them. See, the insult or the attack itself is not what hurts you, but how you think about the insult determines if you will be hurt or not. It goes like this. When you feel attacked you can choose two different responses to take away the sting: (1) you can choose to just ignore what they said, or (2) you can turn the tables and try to put yourself in their shoes, asking, “What must they be feeling to say what they’ve said?” But they can’t hurt you unless you choose to take in what they said and internalize it as if it had any impact on your life at all.
What affects your emotions is never what happens to you but your interpretation of what happened to you. See things from God’s viewpoint and suddenly no one can slam you and no one can hurt you anymore. Freedom belongs to the God Girl who can stop thinking about things from a human perspective and start thinking about them from a godly one.