You know how to give good gifts to your children. So how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him?

Matthew 7:11

I s there something that God has promised in his Word that he has not yet done for you? Are you beginning to mistrust him, or at the very least your ability to hear him? If God is slow in bringing to pass one of his promises to you, there’s a reason for it. Like a good father who knows what his kids need and when they need it, the Father above knows exactly what you need and when you need it. Sometimes not getting the thing you want is exactly what you need, but with your limited perspective you don’t know that. That’s why it should be such a relief to know that you have a Father God who can be trusted. Everything good that you have comes from him, and everything bad that you have in your life he has allowed in order that it might bring some glory to him.

Now, the only wild card in this situation is you. Will you stand on the truth of God’s Word, acting upon it and living it, and so prove yourself? Or will you reject truth because what you want is slow in coming? A God Girl’s faith must be grounded in the kindness and infallibility of the Father. When you can trust him, then you can be set free. And that freedom will be the doorway to spiritual growth and maturity.

Every girl has moments of fear when she wonders, Does my Father really care? Will he always be there? Every girl needs a rock, a solid foundation that will never shake, and though her earthly father may never be any of those things, she has a heavenly Father who will always be those things. This should bring you a lot of joy! He can be trusted. He is not a liar; you can trust him with your heart.