Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
When your world starts to fall apart, don’t get deeper into the mess by going deeper into you. Studying your past or the people from your past isn’t what God calls for in order for you to find the rest that you need. “Come to me,” says Jesus, not, “Go back to your past and figure out what is affecting you now.” Coming to him is how you get over the things that haunt you. Jesus and Jesus alone can set you free from the worries and fears of yesterday. God wants you to live a life that is complete in Christ. Nothing else is needed. No magical incantation, no remembering of events will set you free—if that were the case, then Christ wouldn’t be sufficient. But that’s not true. He’s all-sufficient. His Spirit has the power to heal, to set you free in an instant, and all you need to do is come to him.
When you wrestle with your past, you take a detour. God’s will is not that you should fix life but that you should have a new life in him. All the old is gone and the new has come (see 2 Cor. 5:17; Col. 3:10). So don’t waste your strength on figuring out your emotional baggage; just give your load to the one who wants to take it, and rest in the fact that it is finished. You don’t have anything to work out other than your trust in him who makes you new.