But the worries of life and the deceitful pleasures of riches choke the word so that it can’t produce anything.
Matthew 13:22
Did you notice what Jesus said will choke the word out of your life (see Matt. 13:1–23)? Is it the devil? No, he doesn’t give the devil that much credit. What will kill the truth of God’s Word in your life is the worries of life—worries about things you wish you had, what people think of you, your look, your image, and your friends or lack thereof.
Worry tells God that you don’t trust him to take care of the practical parts of your life. Sure, you trust him for salvation, but for food and clothing? Nope. When you were a child you trusted your parents to provide what you needed. You didn’t worry about what you had or didn’t have, because you knew all you had to do was to ask them and your needs would be met. But now that you are older you wonder, Will there be enough for me? Will it be what I need? Worrying is accusing God of not taking care of his own. It’s calling him a delinquent father and looking for insurance to protect you in case of disaster.
But the God Girl has assurance, not insurance. She has the assurance that God will never leave her and will always provide for her. The God Girl is the most content girl on the planet because she knows she has exactly what she needs, and that’s why she doesn’t allow worry to choke out the seed of God’s Word in her life.
Remember that your fears and worries say more about your belief in God than they do about your lot in life. Freedom isn’t just about rebuking the devil and his hold on your life; it’s also about seeing the truth about the thoughts in your head. Practice seeing worry for what it is—a lie about God’s goodness—and choose to trust your faithful Father instead.