Jesus was angry as he looked around at them. He was deeply hurt because their minds were closed. Then he told the man, “Hold out your hand.” The man held it out, and his hand became normal again.
Mark 3:5
When there is something in your life that needs to be done, a change that has to be made, a direction that needs to be taken—ask God to help you and he will. But the important thing to know is that God doesn’t do the work for you. He does the work with you. That means that you have to get up and move. You have to make the change, and as you do, he changes you.
Jesus told the man with the withered hand, “Hold out your hand,” and as soon as he did, he was healed (Mark 3:5). He believed God and reached out his hand because of that belief. God promises victory, but only after action.
Is there something in your life you don’t like, something you know needs to be changed? Maybe it’s a nasty habit or a bad character trait. Whatever it is, it’s your turn to move. If you want victory over the trials that come at you, then don’t wait around for change—get up and get going! You are a co-laborer with Christ, which means you have to do some of the work. Don’t get lazy thinking God will do it all. You have to hear his command “Get up and walk” (Matt. 9:5) and then trust him enough to get up and move.