He couldn’t work any miracles there except to lay his hands on a few sick people and cure them. Their unbelief amazed him.
Mark 6:5–6
I trust God, I just don’t trust myself.” When it comes to your life and the needs you have, do you believe God’s Word? Do you trust everything he says, but because you know yourself, you just aren’t sure you’ll get things done?
It’s easy to be certain about who Jesus is and his power but still be unsure about yourself. But be careful of thinking like that. The truth is that you aren’t unsure about yourself—you know exactly what you can’t do. What you really are doing is doubting Jesus. When you fear your future and worry about what you will do, what you will wear, and how you will survive, you aren’t just doubting yourself—you’re doubting him. When you think you just can’t do something or survive something, you have to confess your doubt— not your doubt about your own abilities but your doubt about God’s abilities. You have to say, “God, I confess that I don’t trust you. I haven’t truly believed your Word, and I am completely stressed out because of it. Please forgive me and help me to trust that what you say is true and that you are God, the one who provides and meets all my needs.” Just like Jesus couldn’t work many miracles in his hometown where so many doubted him (see Mark 6:1–6), God can’t work any miracle in your life until you believe that he can and will.