Each tree is known by its fruit. You don’t pick figs from thorny plants or grapes from a thornbush. Good people do the good that is in them. But evil people do the evil that is in them. The things people say come from inside them.
Luke 6:44–45
G od tells us that we can judge a tree by the kind of fruit it produces. So if you see a tree with big red apples all over it, you know it’s an apple tree. But fruit isn’t just a part of the five food groups; it’s also a term used to describe the actions of people. The Bible talks about the fruit of the Spirit: those things that grow in the lives of people who live by the Spirit. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (see Gal. 5:22–23). When you see this kind of fruit in a person’s life, you are seeing the evidence of their faith. And when you see things like complaining, fighting, hate, anger, jealousy, and bitterness, you are seeing the fruit of a life that isn’t centered on things of the Spirit.
In your life you will meet all kinds of people who go to church, read the Bible, and insist they believe in God, but as you watch their lives you will see from their fruit that they are living more for their sinful nature than by God’s Spirit. If the people you are attracted to or already friends with have some ugly fruit growing in their lives, then you be the judge: Are they good for your faith? Will they benefit your spirit or drag you down?
God lets us have a glimpse into the spiritual lives of others by teaching us about the fruit of his Spirit. And though we can never know if another person is saved, we can definitely know if they are living a life that we want to be a part of. What kind of fruit are you growing? And what kind of fruit do your friends show in their lives? If you want more of God in your life, then find people with the fruit of the Spirit growing strong in their lives, and serve him together.