As they were sailing along, Jesus fell asleep. A violent storm came across the lake. The boat was taking on water, and they were in danger. They went to him, woke him up, and said, “Master! Master! We’re going to die!” Then he got up and ordered the wind and the waves to stop. The wind stopped, and the sea became calm.
Luke 8:23–24
Do not sail on the sea using your own will as the wind that directs your course. If you don’t let go and let God be the wind in your sails, then at the first storm that comes, you’re gonna freak out. Will the sails hold? Will the boat tip over? Will you crash on the rocks? When you are your own guide and you make things happen yourself, you have no one to turn to when the winds get strong and the waves start to churn. Your faith didn’t get you there, so your faith now can’t seem to save you when the going gets tough. But for the God Girl who lets God direct her path, even the most cruel storm is nothing to fear. That’s because she has put all her faith in the one who commands the winds, so she knows that this storm has come for a reason, and therefore she’s not going to fear.
Don’t be caught in the wide open sea without an anchor. Trust God with all things, and then when the storm comes, you will be steady. Take the time now to prepare for the storms by learning God’s Word and, more importantly, putting it into practice in your life. When you are willing to do what God says to do without complaining, then you are ready to weather any storm, no matter how heavy it might be.