Everyone who honors himself will be humbled, but the person who humbles himself will be honored.

Luke 18:14

Fame is not God’s goal for your life. God isn’t concerned about making people famous and adored. It’s tempting to measure how successful you are as a person by how popular or famous you are, but that’s not God’s measuring stick. His own Son wasn’t born a king or even a rich man but a poor carpenter’s son. He didn’t run around with a marketing guy or a PR girl, looking for the limelight; he looked for the hearts of people.

When you are really in love with God, you don’t look for the attention of the world but you look to give God all your attention. Don’t let fame become your goal. In your life, God should always be the famous one, because he’s the one people need, the one they crave. God’s goal is to humble you, not to feed your big fat ego. People without the Spirit of God can’t understand how to resist the call to fame and popularity, but when you have the Spirit in you, he gives you the strength to be perfectly happy when you are perfectly unnoticeable. Don’t try to draw attention to your holiness or your amazing prayer life, but work to put all the attention onto him so that whatever you do, you will do it all to the glory of God.