Jesus said to the Jews, “I can guarantee this truth: The Son cannot do anything on his own. He can do only what he sees the Father doing. Indeed, the Son does exactly what the Father does. The Father loves the Son and shows him everything he is doing.”

John 5:19–20

Jesus never did anything except what the Father himself was doing. In fact, according to his own words, he did “exactly what the Father does” (John 5:19). There wasn’t an ounce of “what about me?” in him. He never gave his “needs” a second thought because he was so sure of his Father and his Father’s perfect will. And in the life of the God Girl, the same can and should be true.

When life is about anything but what God wants, it gets off track and messy. When you focus on your momentary good instead of your eternal good, you lose sight of what’s really important, and like a girl on a bike looking backward instead of forward, you run off the road of faith and right into the nearest ditch. When you take your eyes off of the Father, you’re unstable. Not only is your faith no longer grounded, but neither are your feelings or thoughts. And when those get off track, your life goes all kinds of crazy. To be so concentrated on the face of God that you only want what he wants might seem like a tall order, but it’s the natural state of the believer. The easy life of getting everything you want never really satisfies; it just leaves you wanting more. The road to heaven is narrow and difficult (see Matt. 7:13–14). It wasn’t meant to be so easy that you can say, “Look, Mom, no hands!” as you turn to the left and to the right and go anywhere but straight into the face of God. No, the life of the God Girl demands all of your attention. It will test and challenge you, but if you endure, if you rise above your own personal wants and set your thoughts on things above instead of things below, you’re gonna win where you used to lose and be content where you used to be unhappy.