Streams of living water will flow from deep within the person who believes in me.

John 7:38

Jesus didn’t say, “Streams of living water will pool deep inside the person who believes in me.” No, he’s not talking about a green, stagnant pond, covered with lily pads and water skeeters, where all the goodness and blessing stays comfortably inside of you, unmoved by the current. He’s talking about a river with a current of blessing and goodness that flows right through you and out to everyone around you.

Contrary to popular belief, Jesus’ teachings were never about “finding yourself” but rather about the life that comes out of you. It’s a life not for your own comfort and enjoyment but for service to the rest of the world. When you continually focus on yourself, you do the exact opposite of what Christ taught. Nowhere in Scripture are you called to elevate yourself. Instead you’re told to live for others and not to think more highly of yourself than you should. Jesus’ life is the model; he didn’t live to find himself but gave all he was as an offering to the Father. And he died on that cross because he loved the world.

In your life that means that you can and should let what God puts into your life freely flow out into the lives of others. When you do, you will find your life is no longer stagnant and murky but is becoming a great source of living water—of hope to the world around you.