Yet, when Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was for two more days.

John 11:6

Y ou can’t always fear the silence. When you feel like God is nowhere to be found, when you have no sense of his presence but others seem to be high on his love, don’t worry. It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. Love isn’t about feeling amazing all the time, and silence doesn’t mean he’s not paying attention to your prayers.

When Lazarus was sick, Jesus didn’t come to see him. He stayed away for two days. And in those two days Lazarus died. To the human eye it looked like Jesus didn’t care, but the truth is that he cared very much and he was very aware of all that was going on. Jesus’ silence was meant not to torment but to teach. Can you trust him even in the silence? A lot of times out of that silence can come a bigger revelation than if he had answered you right away.

When you are absolutely certain of who God is, his silence doesn’t scare you because you trust him. He’s not frantic, he’s not running around trying to fix things, but he’s calm and patient and trustworthy. So don’t fear the silence or your lack of a sense of him. Just keep on believing and keep on trusting that he has heard your prayer and that because of that, you know he will provide for your needs.