Jesus told Peter, “Put your sword away. Shouldn’t I drink the cup of suffering that my Father has given me?”
John 18:11
P eter was adamantly opposed to the suffering of Christ. He wanted Jesus to avoid it completely. But suffering can’t be avoided; no matter how much you fight it, it’s gonna come. Everyone suffers in this world. For example, a lot of girls suffer insults and meanness from other girls. But what’s important isn’t that suffering but the result of that suffering. Will you let it destroy you, or will you let God use it for your good?
Like the athlete who strains her muscles to make them stronger, sometimes you have to suffer in areas where you are weak so that your strength will be complete. God uses your suffering to draw you to him, to make you stronger, to purify you, and to produce endurance and character. When you can accept that, then suffering will be something you can not only handle but rise above. It won’t have such agonizing power over you, because you will have become stronger because of it. Suffering has a purpose in the life of the God Girl. It is never in vain as long as you pay spiritual attention to it so it can make you more holy. So when you feel like fighting your suffering or even the one who seems to be bringing it upon you, put away your sword and follow Jesus’ example instead.