Peter and the other apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than people.”

Acts 5:29

When given the choice between doing what you want and doing what your friends or even your enemies want, which do you choose? What about if what God wants is going to cost you dearly? What if it means people won’t like you, or worse yet, they will hate you or hurt you? How do you decide who you’re going to obey in those situations?

Your faith requires obedience. Any going the other way and doing what people want instead of what God wants is sin. When the apostles were told to stop talking about Jesus or else, they didn’t give a rip about the “or else” part. They just did what they were meant to do: preach the truth. If you want to be sure to always choose God over anybody else, then you’ve got to find out what God wants you to do—and that starts with reading his Word. You might not be called to preach, but you are called to love your enemies, to give to those in need, and to respect authority.

Your life will be much easier and involve a whole lot less guesswork once you find out more about God’s will for your life—his commands, his thoughts, and his plans. The Bible was written to instruct you on how best to live your life, so reading it shouldn’t be a boring prospect. So dive in today and find out something you didn’t know about God and his will for your life.