You will be his witness and will tell everyone what you have seen and heard.
Acts 22:15
What kind of a witness are you? Is your life proof that Jesus is who he says he is? Or are you less of a witness and more of a weakness? Your life may be the only Bible that the people around you read, so when you take God’s Word and apply it to your life, they see what it says and what it does. But if you take his Word and hide it, then how will they ever know the truth?
As a God Girl you must be ready to be a witness to the saving power of Jesus and the life-giving nature of faith. Everything you do can and should be evidence of him. It might sound harsh, but your responsibility in life is not just to yourself but also to those in your circle who are watching you and need you to be the hands and feet of Christ. Don’t worry if you have failed at that so far—today is a new day. The old is gone, the new has come.
So today make a fresh start and decide that everything in your life happens so that you can be a Bible to the people around you. How you react will be your witness. What you say and how you say it all will impact the kingdom. This isn’t more than you can handle; it’s what you were made for. Either Jesus is who he said he was or he isn’t—how you act today will prove your answer to everyone who is looking! Be the witness you were made to be.