Either your master is sin, or your master is obedience. Letting sin be your master leads to death. Letting obedience be your master leads to God’s approval.
Romans 6:16
Y ou cannot serve two masters, but you will serve one. Whom do you serve? If you are a God Girl, then you are a servant of God, and not only that but his slave. A slave serves only the will of her master and nothing else. She is devoted to her master and her master’s needs. An employee can serve two bosses, like having a day job with one boss and a night job with another. But as a God Girl you don’t have that luxury. You can’t obey your master sin and your master God—you must obey one or the other. Who is your master? Finding the answer is easy: do you give in to the call of God only, or do you sometimes serve other gods, such as the god of comfort, popularity, sex, or food?
If you serve another god, then you are not yet a slave of Jesus Christ. Slavery to him annihilates slavery to sin. Want to be free from the bondage of sin in your life? Then give your life, your choices, and your days over to the Master. Think of yourself as dead to sin, and it will no longer be your master. As a God Girl you don’t have to be controlled by anything any longer. Your freedom is found in calling sin sin. Jesus’ resurrection bought your freedom, and because of that you can have confidence that God is beside you helping you to break free from any power that threatens to control you (see Rom. 6:8–18). Yes, we all have sinned and will continue to sin, but sin doesn’t have to be your master anymore. Determine that you won’t let your life be controlled by anything but God and you will serve only him.