The person who does what he knows is right shouldn’t feel guilty. He is blessed. But if a person has doubts and still eats, he is condemned because he didn’t act in faith.
Romans 14:22–23
Are you ever unsure if what you’re doing is good with God or not? Whenever you have doubts, you should stop immediately. Doubt signals trouble. It’s a red flag in the life of a believer, a sign letting you know you’ve taken a detour. Don’t go any farther on that wobbly bridge.
The best rule of thumb is, if in doubt, don’t do it, because if you doubt and do it anyway, you are in danger of falling into sin. Take some time to search Scripture so that you can be more informed. Don’t jump into things you doubt so quickly that you get used to accepting gray areas as okay areas for you to enter. Find out the truth. Be certain that what you do, how you act, and what you say are in line with what God wants from your life. Doubt is like a car gauge—it warns you when you’re about to run into trouble. So read the manual and find out what the sign means and what you need to do next. If you have doubt after reading God’s Word, or if someone has given you a reason to believe God is against what you are doing, then slow down and dig deeper.
If you can look at all of Scripture and see no command that would make what you want to do a sin, then doubt has no ground to stand on. So many times we worry about whether God wants us to do this or that when the Bible doesn’t address the topic at all. If it’s not against his Word, then you can stop worrying about if it’s the right thing or not and be confident in what you are doing.