You are partners with Christ Jesus because of God.
1 Corinthians 1:30
At the point when you made Jesus the Lord of your life, everything changed. With that one decision came not only a change in your will but also a change in your makeup. Now you are no longer your own but are filled with Christ himself in the form of the Holy Spirit. Scripture says that “you are partners with Christ” (1 Cor. 1:30). Partners are two people who share in doing something together; they work together toward a common goal. This is a big deal, because it means that even when you feel like you can’t do what’s right, that’s okay, because he can. It means that even though you might not realize it or feel like it right now, you have the wisdom of Jesus on your side—and not only that but his righteousness and holiness as well. That means that he is enough. You may fail, you may mess up royally, but you have been made a partner with Christ, and so he will get you out of your mess if you are willing to let him. You just need to trust him to do it.
As a God Girl you aren’t just out there doing life on your own. You have been ransomed or bought away from sin, and that means sin no longer controls you and you are part of a holy team now. You might forget that sometimes and give in to sin’s commands, but it’s not in charge of you any longer. Now you have the wisdom of Jesus on your side, and that means you can be free from sin and all its punishment. The more you read the Word of God, the more you understand God, but don’t underestimate the wisdom that’s already yours just because you’ve become partners with Jesus and accepted his Holy Spirit into your life.