He comforts us whenever we suffer. That is why whenever other people suffer, we are able to comfort them by using the same comfort we have received from God.

2 Corinthians 1:4

Y our heart’s been broken. You feel miserable. Why would God let this happen to you? It seems impossible to fathom from this side of the pain, but the truth is that if you can come to grips with the idea that it doesn’t matter what happens to you as long as it is used for his purpose, then heartache won’t torture you again. It’s through the door of pain that you get into God’s presence, but if you collapse in agony before you walk through or tell yourself you just can’t go on, then you miss out on God’s purposes for your life. If a broken heart is how God’s will can be done in your life and the lives of others, then stand up and thank him for breaking your heart.

When you whine and complain or become immobile, you abuse the gifts of God and refuse to do what God calls you to do. So turn off the pain and turn up his voice. What is he trying to do with your life through this pain? Are there others who need comforting like you have needed comforting? Is there a lesson your spirit needs to learn? Get to work and find out God’s thoughts instead of focusing on your pain. Heartache can only break you if you let it, and the fastest way to let it is to wallow in it. Refuse to let heartache be your destruction and you’ll move out of the pain faster than you would have ever thought you could. You’ll be unstoppable if you will just get on with what counts and think about your own pain as nothing to worry about.