Our message is not about ourselves. It is about Jesus Christ as the Lord.
We are your servants for his sake.

2 Corinthians 4:5

Ever said, “I wish I could have gotten that instead of this” or “I wish there was more”? Or how about “This isn’t what I expected”? Disappointment with life and what it gives you is pretty normal, but is it godly? How does it relate to Scripture? Does God promise all your wishes will come true? Does he encourage you to spend your energy and resources on getting what you want? Or does he seem more concerned with something completely different?

For the answer on that, all you have to do is look at the life of his Son. Jesus wasn’t dissatisfied with the things the Father gave or took away from him. In fact, he was never concerned with himself at all, even when it came to what he would eat or where he would sleep. But nowadays “need” has become the new “want.” I “need” new shoes, when I already have five pairs in the closet. I “need” rest, when the lady next door has three kids, two jobs, and no husband. I “need” a bigger room, when the family down the street lives in their car. All your “needs” add up to a whole lot of spiritual arrogance when they go beyond survival. When others around the world suffer, when people don’t know the beauty of salvation, when people are starving, cold, alone, and dying, the “need” of the God Girl should be to help, to serve, and to save them.

When your life becomes more about others than about yourself, you’ll suddenly be free. You’ll be unchained from your childish needs for more and your continual dissatisfaction with what you’ve already got. How freeing is it to forget yourself, to stop consuming, and to start giving! Become more concerned with what’s going on around you than what’s within you, and you will find more peace, hope, and love than you ever imagined.