We take every thought captive so that it is obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Are you spiritually confused? Is there something in your spiritual life that has you baffled, an area where you can’t seem to hear from God or know what to do? Then the answer to your confusion is this: just do it. Just do what God asks you to do in his Word. You will never get life all figured out or “find yourself” through all the soul-searching and crying you could ever do. But when you are confused about life, you’ve gotta take every confusing thought captive and make it obedient to God’s Word by doing what his Word says. In the Bible you will find the answer you need to your dilemma. The answer is for his will to be done, by you, right now. You have to do whatever it is that God is calling you to do right now. It might not make any sense to your mind, but when you start doing what you should be doing, then the confusion will lift.
Is he asking you to get over something or to turn the other cheek? It’s gotta be done, and now. Is he telling you to just trust him? Then do it. The first step of doing what God asks will be the first step toward clearing away any spiritual confusion that you may have. But don’t let anyone tell you all you need to do is “think through things,” because when you are feeling any kind of spiritual pressure, the only thing you should do is to immediately do what God is asking, not worry over it. Just doing it brings immediate healing and hope.