We take every thought captive so that it is obedient to Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5

Do your thoughts ever wander? Do you ever feel depressed, jealous, bitter, or frustrated? When your thoughts turn ugly, when they make you anything but happy, then it’s time to take those thoughts captive. Trouble comes when you stop trying to control your thoughts in the light of God’s Word. Any thought that you have that is incompatible with Scripture is going to bring you some kind of grief—if not now, then tomorrow or the next day.

The answer is to take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ. This might sound impossible if you aren’t used to doing it, but with practice it gets easier. And when you work at it you will be set free to find the happy in your life. As a God Girl you can’t forget that your thoughts define you. They are more than just random ideas; they are either sin or holiness. God is listening. He knows what you think about, dream about, fantasize about. If you would be embarrassed about God watching what you are thinking, or if what you are thinking is making you feel something you don’t want to feel, then it’s time to take charge of your thoughts so that they are obedient to Jesus, and that means to his Word. Take the lies you are believing and reject them, and replace them with the truth of Scripture. So much of your emotional grief is a result of the sin in your life. Sure, there will be times to mourn, but to spend too much time sad over what you don’t have is to deny what you do have: the very Creator of the universe calling out to you to take his hand so that he can see you through. Don’t reject him by majoring in your darkness and despair.

Taking your thoughts captive starts with knowing what thoughts need to be chained up and tossed away and what thoughts are beneficial. The way you do that is by becoming intimately aware of God’s Word. Know truth, and the truth shall set you free!