We can’t allow ourselves to get tired of living the right way. Certainly, each of us will receive everlasting life at the proper time, if we don’t give up.

Galatians 6:9

Face it: even God Girls can make bad decisions. We get our advice from the wrong place. We complain about the things God has let into our lives. We work to get free from trials instead of persevering through them, and then we wonder why our faith is so weak and our peace is gone.

Think about these questions and what they mean for your life. Then consider God’s thoughts on the matter and ask yourself where your life needs to change:

Why do I exist? To satisfy myself or God?

What is my number one goal—finding comfort or persevering?

What do I ingest more of—TV or the Bible?

When I need help, where do I most often get advice— God’s Word or another person?

When life gets hard, do I most often complain or praise?

Am I happy or worried?

Am I content or fearful?

Am I a believer or a doubter?