Finally, receive your power from the Lord and from his mighty strength.
Put on all the armor that God supplies.

Ephesians 6:10–11

How many times a week do you feel beaten down, attacked, worn out? How many times do you lose your strength and wanna give up? And how many times a week do you put on the armor of God? If you want peace—if you want self-control, hope, and strength—then you’ve gotta put on the armor that God has laid out for you (see Eph. 6:10–17).

Every day when you get up, make it your first job to ask God to dress you up in the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness (God’s approval), the belt of truth, and the shoes of the gospel of peace and to put the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit in your hands. As you imagine actually putting on each thing, remind yourself what each piece does for you. The helmet reminds you of your salvation and assurance of God’s hand in your life. The breastplate of righteousness is there to cover you with the righteousness that comes not from your power but from Christ’s. The belt of truth is there to remind you of everything God has shown you and will show you. The shoes of the gospel of peace represent the power of the gospel in your life and your ability and call to share it with the people in your life. The shield of faith protects you from all the flaming arrows the evil one shoots at you. And the sword of the Spirit—the Word of God, the Bible—is your most powerful weapon against the attacks of the enemy. With it you can fight off attacks and pierce hearts with God’s truth. You need to hold it tightly in your hand every day.

If you want to start experiencing the power and protection of God in your life, then pray through putting on the armor of God and remind yourself of the protection that is yours!