In the end they will be destroyed. Their own emotions are their god, and they take pride in the shameful things they do. Their minds are set on worldly things.

Philippians 3:19

I s there something about you that gets you into trouble? Do you have some way of thinking or acting that you don’t like but you feel powerless to change? “I can’t help myself. It’s just part of my personality,” you complain.

If that’s you, then you just found yourself in possession of a little god. If something or someone controls you, it’s not just a habit or a personality trait. If it rules you it has become your idol and has taken the place of the one true God. Sometimes that idol is your own selfishness or laziness, fear or inability to change. But that’s no excuse for bowing to any god other than the great I Am.

You are not alone in your misery, though. We all have to continually find those gods and reject them. When you find a particularly painful or sinful situation happening in your life over and over again, it’s time to look for your little god, and when you find it you have to decide to give it up. That means if your god is your stomach and you can’t seem to refuse its call for another piece of cake, then you’ve got to label it as it is, a god, and refuse to serve it any longer. Eat to live; don’t live to eat. Or if you think that being negative is just who you are, then you are lying to yourself. As a child of God you are not meant to be a negative person. You’ve found your little god. Now get rid of it. Don’t let your negative “nature” be an excuse for sin.

Whatever is in you that isn’t in step with God has to be rejected and turned away from. If God brings you face-to-face with your idol, then you’ve got to pay attention and vow to destroy it. Don’t get comfortable and live with the destructive power of this unwanted guest.