He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. . . . God was pleased to have all of himself live in Christ.
Colossians 1:15, 19
I t’s super easy to listen when the world talks, to see all the pretty things it has to offer, and to fall in love with them. It’s so easy to make the world’s way of thinking your own because, well, everyone is doing it. But the world has worked out its own way of living that is completely different from the life of faith. The world makes do with what it can figure out, deduce, and arrange on its own because it puts no hope in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. But the truth is, the God Girl needs only one hope and one salvation, and that is found in Jesus Christ, who was the full representation of God on earth.
A lot of people would say that Jesus was just a prophet or a wise teacher, but that is a lie that leads to the destruction of faith. If Jesus was only a prophet, then he was a crazy prophet, because he claimed to be the Son of God and to be one with the Father. The apostle Paul was fighting the same battle against the world that we fight today. He spoke up so that our faith wouldn’t get all watered down with the half-truths of this world. As a God Girl you can’t allow the world’s thoughts on Jesus to be your own. You have to understand his divinity and your need for him. Many other ideas may come at you every day, but just like the early church, you have got to reject these false teachings and hold on to the truth of who Jesus really is.
You are surrounded by the world and inundated by its voices and its visions of beauty. So keep your eyes focused not on the physical but on the spiritual. Look for the truth found in God’s Word, and look away from the lies of this world.