Keep your mind on things above, not on worldly things.

Colossians 3:2

Heavenly, by definition, is better than earthly. Who doesn’t want heavenly things in their life? But your mind can’t want both earthly and heavenly things at the same time. So if you want more heaven and less earth, you’ve got to quiet your mind and chuck all of your earthly passions and cravings to make room to contemplate more heavenly things.

For example, lust and thoughts of God can’t exist in one mind. And earthly pastimes like anger, envy, and greed can’t exist in your mind at the same time as thoughts of God’s provision, mercy, and love. In order to be truly happy, you have to take out those thoughts that war against the presence of God in your life. Anything that takes your focus off of him and puts it onto you is meant for your destruction. God calls it sin because it stands in direct opposition to what God wants for your life. Why would you want something that God doesn’t want for you?

So in order to get the earthly stuff out and let the heavenly stuff into your life, you have to agree with God that what you want is wrong. Call a sin a sin and agree that you won’t go there again. When you confess and turn away from the things of this earth, you’ll have more room for the things of heaven, and your life will naturally become more heavenly.