As holy people whom God has chosen and loved, be sympathetic, kind, humble, gentle, and patient.

Colossians 3:12

P atience might not be your virtue. In fact, you might have none of it. So how do you get patience? How do you learn to do what God commands when it’s something so incredibly hard to do—wait? Waiting might be your least favorite thing in the world, but if you can master it, then you have gained patience, and patience is a good thing. If you lack patience and you wanna get some, then why don’t you start where patience has its foundation? Wait on God.

Waiting on God isn’t about sitting around doing nothing while you count on him to do it all. Waiting is more about what you are thinking than what you are doing. When you wait on God, you trust God. You know that no matter when his help comes, it’s coming. You know that if he wants you to have something, he’ll give it to you at the perfect time. Waiting on God means trusting him to do what only he can do and in the meantime doing what you can do.

And patience is learned in these moments. As you learn to wait on God you practice patience, and that same way of thinking can transfer to all areas of your life. Anything in your world that needs patience can be thought of as your waiting on God. And since you know that God never disappoints and that his timing is perfect, waiting isn’t such a misery. It becomes more anticipation than drudgery.

Patience can be your virtue; it is something that you can practice. You just have to choose to trust God in all areas of your life and to know that waiting is just an essential part of the process.