We were gentle when we were with you, like a mother taking care of her children.

1 Thessalonians 2:7

How gentle are you when it comes to your faith? When you talk to other people about Jesus, are you kind and gentle or frustrated and angry? How you act with people who you think just don’t get it says a lot to those same people about who Jesus is. So how you say it is just as important as what you say. And don’t kid yourself—if you are judging someone but think you are being kind by telling them about their sin, they know the truth. They can sense your judgment, and it turns them off.

As a God Girl you are to judge right from wrong, to see sin, and to educate people on their wrongdoing, but you are not to judge them as if there is something peculiar about them that isn’t the same as you. Remember, you’re a sinner too, just in different ways—after all, you know God and still you sin against him! Someone who doesn’t know him might not even realize they’re doing something wrong. Witnessing to a nonbeliever can be an uncomfortable thing, and it can get even more uncomfortable when you don’t show much kindness, compassion, or gentleness. If you have trouble talking to people about Jesus, then maybe it’s because you want them to agree with you so badly that you forget that saving them isn’t your job, it’s God’s. Your job is to love them and to show them how being a Christian improves you as a person and makes you more compassionate and kind.