Brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we order you not to associate with any believer who doesn’t live a disciplined life and doesn’t follow the tradition you received from us.

2 Thessalonians 3:6

Frenemies: those girls who you think are your friends, but some days you really have to wonder. Once they were nice but now they are 50 percent mean. When you have a friend who has changed and now her behavior is ungodly, what do you do? God’s Word has a prescription for you: if your friend is a believer and she has become mean, vengeful, a gossip, or a slanderer, or if she is abusing you or hating you, then it’s time to break up. You can’t let her sin become contagious. You can’t take on her disobedience and make it your own.

The trouble with staying close to believers who desert God’s truth is that it can lead you to sin. You sin when you hate her back, retaliate, want revenge, or start thinking negative thoughts or complaining.

The God Girl trusts God’s Word and attempts to live it every day. A godly friend might mess up, she might make mistakes, she might even hurt you, but there is always redemption, always confession and reconciliation. But for some girls there is none of that because, truth be told, they are done with God’s Word. It is no longer a part of their lives, and instead they live by their own emotions and desires. That kind of girl is not good for you.

So think about your frenemy: will confronting her work? Can there be reconciliation, or is it time to cut the strings that bind you? Don’t be afraid to walk away if you have to. It doesn’t make you a loser; it makes you a follower of Jesus. You have to obey God’s Word no matter what others think or say.