I encourage you to make petitions, prayers, intercessions, and prayers of thanks for all people, for rulers, and for everyone who has authority over us.

1 Timothy 2:1–2

G od commands us repeatedly to pray for ourselves and for others. But a lot of times you might think that kind of prayer is something reserved for the mega-spiritual types. So you bow out because of your inability. But prayer isn’t just for the super holy; it’s required and possible for everyone, and it’s how you overcome the world. Prayer moves the hand that moves the world. Why wouldn’t you access his power in the challenges of this life? Why wouldn’t you want more of him?

Prayer releases the power of God, especially when your prayer is for other people. It’s called intercessory prayer, and it’s just asking God to help, guide, and save others. If you trust God with your life, then your prayer can be focused on the needs of others instead of your own. That doesn’t mean you don’t ask for what you need, but the God Girl is never selfish. She doesn’t hoard God’s blessing for herself but thinks about others every single day.

When your prayer is purposefully focused outside of yourself and you are always thinking of the needs of others, your faith, your hope, and your happiness all increase. Your life begins to mean more as it becomes less about you and more about others. So practice intercessory prayer. It doesn’t take any special gift, just a heart that wants to serve God and others.