Whoever serves in the military doesn’t get mixed up in non-military activities. This pleases his commanding officer.

2 Timothy 2:4

Are you caught up in non-military activity? When you’re a soldier you work for your commanding officer. You do what he says and you don’t argue. But sometimes the non-military people around you have different ideas of what should or shouldn’t happen. They might not like what you and your unit are doing. They might want to get you to walk away from your post and come to their side, but that would be desertion. Nope, you have to follow commands, even if the civilians are whining about it.

As a God Girl you follow God’s commands, and non-military activity can get all mucked up with your orders. The people around you are involved in some kind of drama, and they want you to take sides or to join in their coup, but as a God Girl you cannot get involved in civilian affairs. You can follow the orders of your commanding officer with regards to handling non-military activity, but you cannot let yourself get wrapped up in their petty fights or issues. As a God Girl you are the voice of reason, the hand of God in the lives of the people around you, and that’s why you can’t let those who aren’t listening to God drag you into their mess. Like a soldier patrolling a certain region, you have to stay out of the fray, only inserting yourself to preserve the peace or to protect the Father’s territory.

If you feel like you’ve left the base and wandered into civilian territory, you can get back under the command of God by deciding to live with him in mind, under his authority and law, and then you will be free from the chains and the scandals that plague those around you. So stay focused. Get your orders and carry them out, and you will continue to get the direction you need from your commanding officer.