Believers shouldn’t curse anyone or be quarrelsome, but they should be gentle and show courtesy to everyone.
Titus 3:2
How you communicate says a lot about you. Most girls love to talk, no question, but how you talk says a lot. Is your speech kind, compassionate, generous, and loving? Or is it sarcastic, bitter, frustrated, or defiant? No matter who you are interacting with and no matter what they say, do, or command you to do, in your reaction you cannot sin. If what they say is unreasonable, vengeful, angry, or slanderous, your words cannot be. Their actions or sins are no excuse for you to sin in return.
Instead your role is love and kindness. Your role is to speak gently and courteously to everyone. Your speech proves who you are to those who listen. When they hear you, do you sound like a God Girl or a griping girl? Do you complain about those who have authority over you? Are you quarrelsome, or are you less concerned about being right than about being faithful?
Fighting is not a characteristic of a God Girl. Fighting is an irritating habit that usually just frustrates and angers those around you, and as a result it only gives you less of a bargaining chip in the negotiations of life. If you want to be obedient to God’s Word and if you want success in your relationships, then change your speech. Make it kinder, more gentle. When you do, you will prove your love for God and for the people he’s put around you.